Commercial & Residential Real Estate Investors in the greater Memphis area.
The 500 Million Dollar Project
Welcome to Memphis REI, LLC! We are a service-based real estate investment company that strives to assist property owners in the greater Memphis area and Shelby County. Currently, we are seeking to save property owners from loss of investment and credit damage by offering a program to help them pay their real estate related debts. We are on a mission to save at least 500 million dollars worth of real estate within the communities of Shelby County over the next several years. If you or someone you know would like to find out if you qualify for one of our programs please contact us today!

Our Process
How we help property owners
Step 1
The first step is to secure the property owner from losing the property, freeing them of the responsibility of debt related to the property.
Step 3
The third step is to purchase the property from the owner, preventing loss of property and investment while allowing them to maintain possession of the property as a tenant.
Step 2
The second step is the partnership stage. This state is for those who qualify, giving them the ability to have ownership without control, securing their economic interest.
Step 4
The fourth step is to purchase property from owner, preventing debt, credit damage and loss of investment while allowing them to walk away worry free.
Who benefits from our services?
Property Owners
Our services benefits property owners first and foremost by allowing property owners to become liquid, allowing property owners, who wish, to become tenants and also allowing joint property ownership.
Communities benefit from our services by helping to prevent vacant land from becoming eye sores while maintaining the beautification of the community. Other benefits include, but are not limited to, helping to prevent vacant properties from becoming occupied by people indulging in illegal activities (ie. drug sales/abuse, rapes, kidnappings, violence, gang activity, etc.), helping occupants of communities feel safer and their kids feel protected, encouraging people to buy property in the community, encouraging businesses to stay in the community and helping to maintain property value.
More Benefits…
Local Municipalities
Local municipalities benefit from our services because it helps them to collect tax revenue immediately, reduces expenses on collections due to taxes being paid on time (i.e. court costs, attorney fees, etc.) giving them the ability to reallocate monies to other programs as well as encouraging other people to move into the areas, resulting in more tax revenue being generated.
Business Community
Lastly, the business community benefits from our services by encouraging businesses to remain open in the community (people that live in the community will spend in that community), encouraging economic development in the community based on stability and low crime rates, encouraging economic investments, thus resulting in more jobs created for residents and others.